Join us at Europe’s biggest yoga event

Find out how yoga and meditation are transforming lives in prison at the Om Yoga Show this year.

The Prison Phoenix Trust will be playing a big part in the weekend event at Alexandra Palace in London 13-15 October.

Visitors to the show will have a chance to meet former prisoners, staff and volunteers at The Prison Phoenix Trust stand, and hear inspiring stories of the healing power of yoga behind bars.

Highlights of the OM Yoga Show
  • Workshop: Teaching Yoga in Prisons, Fri 13 Oct 3.15pm – 4.45pmWorkshop: Teaching Yoga in Prisons

Are you a yoga teacher curious to join a group of more than 900 others who have taught inside? Come and try The PPT’s training course. It might set you on a rewarding path towards sharing yoga with those who perhaps need it most: people who may have lost their liberty, but not the power to change their lives for the better.

Find out more 

  • Lecture: Wisdom from Inside Sat 14 Oct 1pm – 1.30pm

Workshop: Teaching Yoga in PrisonsFormer prisoners Richard and Paul talk about their experience of learning yoga and meditation in prison and how it helped them overcome challenging times. Richard says: ‘It was a beacon of light that got me through some very difficult inner battles with myself. But it stayed with me wherever I went and still does to this very day.’

Read full interview with Richard.

  • Event: Paul’s 30 Minute headstand challenge! Sat 14t Oct, 3.15pm – 4pm

Inspired by the great BKS Iyengar, Paul is attempting to hold the king of poses for 30 minutes. He will be raising funds to help other prisoners with their yoga journey.

Support Paul here.

Vote for your Favourite Yoga Charity

The PPT has been nominated for Favourite Yoga Charity at the Om Yoga Awards. 

Since its inception 35 years ago, The PPT has become the leading prison yoga and meditation charity for prisoners and prison staff. We have helped thousands of people from diverse and marginalised communities, with compassion and without judgement.

Show your support – vote here by 8 September.

Note: If you don’t want to vote in every category, skip through to step 8 by pressing the ‘Next’ button and you’ll find us there.