Suzy Dymond-White, who has been vice-chair of the board of The Prison Phoenix Trust, this month starts a 3-year tenure as chair, taking over from Jo Child who remains a member of the board. Richard Dunkerley is joining the board of trustees as treasurer.
Suzy has 37 years operational experience in a number of prisons. She has governed 3 prisons and held a number of head quarters roles. Her particular interests have always been female offenders and health and wellbeing. He is currently Strategic Project Lead for the Women’s Group. Her life long interest in yoga started at very young age when taught by her aunt in the 1970s. Her other interests include natural horsemanship and adventure travel.
Richard qualified as a certified accountant and worked for several companies including EMI and Reuters. He has been co-director of the Alternatives events programme at St James’s Church, Piccadilly, London for 24 years. He is also Treasurer of the Cowley St John parish in East Oxford.
The PPT’s director Selina Sasse says: “Huge thanks to Jo Childs, who has been an outstanding chair of trustees, enabling flexibility of service post-pandemic. And a very warm welcome to Suzy and Richard in their new roles. The work of The PPT is growing to meet the changing needs of the prison services and those in its care. We draw great strength from our board of trustees.”